Magic Eden Bot

Track Magic Eden NFT sales & listings

NEW: Track unlimited collections with 2.5 Premium!

Getting started

The 2.5 Intelligence Magic Eden Bot only supports Solana collections. Support for Bitcoin Ordinals and Ethereum collections is coming soon.

Welcome! The 2.5 Intelligence Magic Eden Sales & Listing bot gives you real-time sales and listings for any collection in your Discord server.


Install the 2.5 Magic Eden Bot

In order to configure the bot, you will need at least kick permissions in the Discord server!

Quick start

  1. Find the Magic Eden URL of the collection you want to track. For example, the URL for Just Ape is

  2. To start tracking sales, use /track sales #channel magic-eden--url.

  3. For listings, use /track listings #channel magic-eden-url.

That's it! If you want to track more collections, use /track sales or /track listings for each collection.


  • /help Shows the help docs (this site) for the bot.

  • /track sales #SalesChannel Magic Eden Collection URL Starts tracking the specified OpenSea collection in the specified Discord channel.

  • /untrack sales Magic EdenCollection URL Stops tracking the specified OpenSea collection.

  • /track listings #ListingsChannel Magic Eden Collection URL Starts tracking the specified OpenSea collection in the specified Discord channel.

  • /untrack listings Magic Eden Collection URL Stops tracking listing eventsthe specified OpenSea collection.

  • /show tracked sales Shows all collections for which you follow sales.

  • /show tracked listings Shows all collections for which you follow listings.

  • /show config Shows the entire bot configuration.

  • /set largepicturemode ON/OFF Makes the bot use large or small NFT pictures in the sales posts.

  • /set notificationrole @role or blank Makes the bot ping a role in the posts. Leaving blank removes the role

Questions and Feedback

For live support, please become a premium user.

Last updated