Scoring API

Lookup scores for individual addresses

Get Scores

Fetch scores and details for an ETH L1 address


Path Parameters




Address to retrieve scores for. starting with 0x

Important The scores route will return 200 with the full data or 202 if the address has a large amount of data and data is not immediately available.

If you receive a 202, try again later. Data is usually available within 60 seconds. It is safe to call the route multiple times with the same address.


You'll receive your full data immediately if it's been cached recently or is able to be scored within 5s. Otherwise you'll receive the Job Enqueued response.

Full Data Response

See below for an example response and explanation of the response format. For more details or questions about how we score and index data, join our Discord.

// HTTP 200 OK
    "address": "0xFFFF....",
    "scores": {
        "whaleness": 1, // Asset score from 1 to 5.
        "hands": "new"
    "labels": [ // See
        {"name" : "diamond"},
        {"name" : "five-diamond"},
        {"name" : "paperhands"},
        {"name" : "whale"},
        {"name" : "blue-chip"},
        {"name" : "smart-money"},
        {"name" : "top-minter"},
        {"name" : "top-trader"},
    "collectibles": [
            "name": "Azuki",
            "quantity": 1,
            "openseaSlug": "azuki",
            "inTs": "2022-02-01T19:25:14.000Z",
            "floorPrice": 25.99
            "name": "Meebits",
            "quantity": 2,
            "openseaSlug": "meebits",
            "inTs": "2021-05-03T18:57:38.000Z",
            "floorPrice": 4.99
            "name": "TinyBoxes",
            "quantity": 5,
            "openseaSlug": "tinyboxes",
            "inTs": "2021-03-06T02:23:12.000Z",
            "floorPrice": null
            "name": "Chubbies",
            "quantity": 1,
            "openseaSlug": "chubbies",
            "inTs": "2021-03-21T00:54:02.000Z",
            "floorPrice": null
    "coins": [
            "symbol": "ETH",
            "contractAddress": null,
            "amount": 0.2,
            "nativeValue": 0.2,
            "usdValue": 690.02
            "symbol": "WETH",
            "name": "WETH",
            "contractAddress": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
            "amount": 3.2229455940746856,
            "nativeValue": 3.2229455940746856,
            "usdValue": 11119.4845941171
            "symbol": "USDC",
            "name": "USD Coin",
            "contractAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
            "amount": 1064.917938,
            "nativeValue": 0.30927346755396,
            "usdValue": 1064.917938
    "portfolioStats": {
        "longestHoldDuration": 33451829.63;
        "averageHoldDuration": 8462957.4075;
        "oldestTransferIn": "2021-03-06T02:23:12.000Z"; 
        "newestTransferIn": "2022-02-01T19:25:14.000Z";
        "totalPortfolioValue": 34.712219061628645,
        "collectiblePortfolioValue": 30.98,
        "coinPortfolioValue": 3.732219061628644,
        "collectibleCount": 4

    "lifetimeStats": {
        "longestHoldDuration": 33451829.63,
        "averageHoldDuration": 5372256.161;
        "firstTransferIn": "2021-01-18T12:09:54.000Z",
    "transferCounts": {
        "mints": 4,
        "purchases": 2,
        "transfersIn": 0,
        "sales": 2,
        "flips": 2,
        "profitableFlips": 2,
        "transfersOut": 0


An object with the following format:

  "whaleness": 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5,
  "hands": 'new' | 'normie' | 'paper' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5'


  1. shrimp

  2. fish

  3. dolphin

  4. shark

  5. whale


  • new: This user has not used NFTs

  • paper: Very consistent pattern of mint/purchase and resale of NFTs

  • normie: Not a consistent holder but not a repeat reseller

  • 1: Holds with some resales, or new user with a pattern of holding

  • 2: Holds with occasional resales

  • 3: Long term pattern of holding

  • 4: Very long term and firmly established pattern of holding

  • 5: Extremely consistent pattern of holding


Currently held NFTs. An array of items with the following format:

  "name": string,
  "quantity": number,  // number of this collection that the user holds
  "openseaSlug": string,
  "inTs": string,  // iso 8601 datetime
  "floorPrice": number | null  // floor price of collection

Items are sorted by floorPrice * quantity in descending order. Where floorPrice is null, items are sorted by quantity in descending order.


Current Ether and ERC-20 balances. An array of items with the following format:

  "symbol": string,
  "name": string,
  "contractAddress": string,  // null for Ether
  "amount": number,
  "nativeValue": number | null,  // value in Ether
  "usdValue": number | null  // value in USD

Ether will always appear first and is always present in the response.

The remaining items are sorted by nativeValue in descending order. Where nativeValue is null, items are sorted by amount in descending order.

Portfolio Stats

An object with the following format:

  "longestHoldDuration": number | undefined;  // in seconds
  "averageHoldDuration": number | undefined;  // in seconds
  "oldestTransferIn": string | undefined;  // iso 8601 datetime
  "newestTransferIn": string | undefined;  // iso 8601 datetime
  "totalPortfolioValue": number;  // in Ether
  "collectiblePortfolioValue": number;  // in Ether
  "coinPortfolioValue": number;  // in Ether
  "collectibleCount": number;  // number of UNIQUE collections held

Lifetime Stats

An object with the following format:

  "longestHoldDuration": number || undefined;  // in seconds
  "averageHoldDuration": number || undefined;  // in seconds
  "firstTransferIn": string;  // iso 8601 datetime

Transfer Counts

An object with the following format:

  "mints": number;
  "purchases": number;
  "transfersIn": number;
  "sales": number;
  "transfersOut": number;
  "flips": number;  // sales of collectibles not transferred in
  "profitableFlips": number;

Job Enqueued Response

If an address requires a particularly large amount of data to process, we respond with a job id and immediately begin processing it in the background.

No action is needed when you receive this response. You do not need to keep track of the job id.

You should periodically retry the request and route will respond with the full score data when available. This is usually in 60 seconds or less.

// HTTP 202 Accepted
    jobId: '<uuid>'

Last updated